Will you let my bank know that i will be in uganda the next two years? i dont want my debit card to be come deactivated when i am out on my mission. if you need my bank number or pin to do that let me know. thanks.
The MTC is going great i have learned a lot! the food here is not the best but it will do it all starts to taste the same same after the first few days eating it. today is my P-Day and its going great! we have played a lot of basketball, and some vollyball with the district and some sister that are also in the district. everyone in the district is going to either NY utika mission or the Uganda kampala mission.
I dont think i ever got the yellow fever card and i did get the Immunization card and my patriachal blessing. thanks so much. tell Hope i am sleeping well, and eating like i pig :) hehe.
From Mom,
Glad to hear you are doing well. I am on your bank account, remember? But I will let them know.They shouldn't deactivate your card. You may have to use it for emergencies.
No, we never got a yellow fever card! Do I need to get one? What day and time do you leave for the airport?
I finally got Dad to till the garden. Hope and I bought plants and seeds and put them in. I also had to put lots of snail poison out. We have found tons of the big ugly things in the garden and yard. Now to get dad to cut down the dead trees.
Parker and Ethan are still playing ball-starting play offs this week. Ethan actually made it to home plate but got out.
When we call everyone for dinner- Hope says, "Dad and Braden are coming late,right" I don't think she has it figured out yet. She does talk about you being on a mission and you will like it.
I have my first Stake Relief Society meeting tonight to find out what I do in this calling.. They where waiting for me to get you on your way. They knew I would be very busy.
Love, MOM
Love, MOM
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